A Saving account to a mortgage
A Saving account to a mortgage is another additional product to a VUB Classic Account / VUB Extra Account, which allows you to easily, quickly and efficiently set aside available funds at a preferential interest rate to create a financial reserve for your mortgage loan.
In addition, money on the Saving account to a mortgage is subject to protection under the Act on Deposit Protection.
- with regular monthly savings of at least EUR 20, You will be rewarded a discounted rate of 1.00 % p. a.
- we enable you to save in a purposeful manner, create a reserve for example for overheads, nonscheduled or early mortgage payments at VÚB Bank
- You do not pay for account maintenance and funds transfer
- with a standing order, you can be sure that your savings will bear interest at a preferential interest rate each month
Nasporená sumaEUR
- Saver's contribution - EUR
- Saver's contribution - EUR
Nasporená sumaEUR
Benefits of Savings Account to a mortgage
- you always have the money "at hand"
- your savings account is always under control via Internet banking
- establish your savings account easily online via Internet banking
- you can change the amount of monthly payment depending on your needs
Do you want to know how your money bears interest on the Saving account to a mortgage? Take a look at our interest rates.
Conditions for obtaining a preferential interest rate
- regular monthly payments to the savings account in the amount of EUR 20 - EUR 1.000
- maximum one debit transaction from the Savings Account to a mortgage in the given calendar month
- the owner of the Saving account to a mortgage is the main owner of a mortgage at VÚB, who properly repays it
More information on Interest rates for deposit products.