Zásady používania cookies vo VÚB, a.s.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent and stored on your computer, smartphone, or other device that you use to access the Internet. They are created so that the website you visit recognizes your terminal device or to help you and enable you to use the website, its functions, and settings effectively.

Why do we use cookies?

At VÚB, a.s., we use cookies for various purposes. We use them, for example, to find out your preferences, to navigate between individual websites, to verify your identity and, if necessary, to secure our website.

The cookies used by VÚB, a.s. are safe. Several of them are intended precisely to provide the necessary and essential security to protect your data and accounts.

VÚB, a.s. also uses cookies to ensure the most convenient and efficient use of its website. Cookies that VÚB, a.s. allows you to log in to its website, for example to internet banking, purchase online goods and services, allows us to remember and preserve your preferences regarding browsing our website, such as language settings, list of selected courses for the course ticket, automatic display of the last viewed page on the next visit or, for example, use financial applications to calculate interest, installments, etc.

More information can be found on the Personal data protection page in document Cookie policy VUB, a.s..

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