Saving Account Junior

A savings account designed for children from birth, and part of VUB Classic Account with Junior benefit, which allows children to receive a bonus interest rate for their better future.

No fee

You don't pay to maintain your account and to transfer funds


How regularly you save is up to you


You'll get a bonus interest rate

Typ Sporiaceho účtu:

Prvý vklad pri otvorení

min 0 EUR max 0 EUR

Pravidelný mesačný vklad

min 0 EUR max 0 EUR

Doba sporenia

0 - 0 -
  • Nasporená suma
    • Saver's contribution - EUR

Typ Sporiaceho účtu:

Prvý vklad pri otvorení

min 0 EUR
max 0 EUR

Pravidelný mesačný vklad

min 0 EUR
max 0 EUR

Doba sporenia

min 0 - - max 0 -
    • Nasporená suma
    • Saver's contribution - EUR

Let's teach children to manage money

Did your child receive pocket money or money as a gift for the holidays, and you don't want them to spend it in the first shop? Teach your child how to manage money properly. Set up a Saving Account Junior for them so that they can save their money for something that will make them happy in the future. Their saved money can even be appreciated thanks to the bonus interest rate we offer for our children's clients. 

Benefits of the Saving Account Junior

  • You choose how and when you want to save 

  • Savings intended for children from birth to 14 years (inclusive) 

  • You can appreciate your child's pocket or cash gifts with regular savings at a preferential interest rate of up to 0.20 % p. a. 

  • Teach children to think responsibly about money 

  • With the money in the Saving Account Junior, you can better manage the new school year, trips or financing leisure activities 

  • You can change the amount of the monthly payment depending on your needs

  • Your money is always at hand


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Do you have questions about the product or need help setting it up? Feel free to contact us.

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Open a VUB Classic Account with Junior benefit at the branch

Open a VUB Classic Account with Junior benefit at the branch

Open a VUB Classic Account with Junior benefit at the branch and get a Savings account Junior.

Conditions for obtaining a bonus interest rate on the Savings account Junior

Regular Monthly Payments 

to a savings account in the amount of EUR 20 – EUR 1 000 

No Debit Transactions 

in a given calendar month 

Owner of the Saving Account Junior

is the owner of the VUB Classic Account with Junior benefit 

Preferential Interest Rate of 0.20 % p. a. 

Balances up to EUR 30 000 on the Savings account Junior has a basic interest rate of 0.01 % p.a., and if the conditions defined in the General Terms and Conditions are fulfilled it also bears interest at a bonus rate of 0.19 % p.a., so together you can get a preferential rate of 0.20 % p.a. Balances above EUR 30 000 are remunerated at an interest rate of 0.00 % p.a. 

More information about interest rates can be found on the website Interest rates on deposit products. 

How to save for children?
How to save for children?
  • Before you start looking for a savings account for a child, make sure you know what you want to save money for. For example, trips or future homes. If you set a specific goal, it's easier to determine how much money you'll need to save and how much money you'll need to contribute to your savings account on a regular basis. Setting a goal 
  • If you start saving early, you can contribute smaller amounts to reach your goal with less effort. Start as early as possible 
  • Regular contributions will help you reach your goal faster and more efficiently. Regularity
  • If you have a long-term goal, such as saving for your child's home, it may be beneficial to choose term deposits with longer bonds to help you appreciate your savings at a higher interest rate. Long-term savings 

Other Savings

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Saving Account Senior


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