The registered capital and shares of vub, a.s.
The registered capital of VUB is € 430 819 063.81 (SKK 12,978,108,000). It is divided into (a) 4,078,108 registered and book-entered shares with a nominal value of € 33.20 (SKK 1,000) per share, and (b) 89 registered and book-entered shares with a nominal value of € 3 319 391.89 (SKK 100,000,000) per share. VUB, a.s. paid the whole registered capital.
Information on VUB shares | |
Name | Share of Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. |
Form | book-entered share* |
Type | registered share |
Issuer | Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. |
Country of issuance | Slovak Republic |
No. of shares issued | 4,078,108 pcs. |
Nominal value | € 33.20 (SKK 1,000) @ |
Shares listed at | |
Equity market | |
Currency | Euro (€) |
ISIN | SK 111 000 1437 |
Acronym (Ticker Symbol) | 1VUB02A |
Share index |
* a book-entered share means an electronic record in the register of the Central Securities Depository of the Slovak Republic
# Slovak share index of the Bratislava Stock Exchange, which VUB is an important part of
@ The conversion rate was set by the decision of the Council of the European Union (ECOFIN) on July, 8, 2008 at the level of 1 EUR = 30.1260 SKK.
Structure of Shareholders
Information on the VUB shareholders is published quarterly, within 30 days after the end of the relevant quarter. For the status as of 30 June 2021 please see below.
Structure by Owner Type |
Shares (EUR) in thous. |
Stake (%) |
Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International S.A. |
430 819 |
100.00 |
TOTAL (Registered Share Capital of VUB, a.s.) |
430 819 |
100.00 |
Structure by nationality |
Shares (EUR) in thous. |
Stake (%) |
Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International S.A. |
430 819 |
100.00 |
TOTAL (Registered Share Capital of VUB, a.s.) |
430 819 |
100.00 |
The VUB Dividend Overview
The nominal value per share is € 33.20, numerical code ISIN SK1110001437.
1. The shareholders who have the right to payment of dividends (including from previous years that are still unpaid and are not barred) and who want to sell the shares of VÚB, a.s., have to enforce the right to payment of dividends (i.e. request to the payment of dividends) before the sale of shares of VÚB, a.s.
2. Shareholders who hold shares of VÚB, a.s. on the record date which was set up for determining of the persons entitled to the dividend (i.e. on May 3, 2019), thus they have the right to dividend from the profit for 2018 and have received the notification about the payment of these dividends, but they sold the shares of VÚB, a.s. after this record date (i.e. afterMay 3, 2019) and have not enforced the right for payment of dividends, such dividends were transferred to the new owner of the shares. This means that these dividends will not be paid to shareholders despite the fact that the shareholders had received the notification on payment of dividends. This does not apply if the shareholder has concluded a separate agreement on the transfer of rights to payment of dividend.
Dividend for the year |
Amount per share | Record date ⃰ ⃰ | Dividend payout date ⃰ ⃰ ⃰ |
2016 ⃰ | € 5.55 | April 21, 2017 | May 12, 2017 |
2017 | € 11.10 | April 20, 2018 | May 11, 2018 |
2018 | € 9.64 | May 3, 2019 | May 24, 2019 |
⃰ ⃰ Record date for determining eligible shareholders entitled to dividend means that you have the right to dividend providing that you owned VUB Shares on this date under the VUB Share Register kept with the Central Securities Depository of the Slovak Republic
⃰ ⃰ ⃰ Dividend payout date means a date set by a resolution of the General Meeting of VUB Shareholders on which dividends may begin to be paid out to eligible shareholders
The conversion rate was set by the decision of the Council of the European Union (ECOFIN) on July, 8, 2008 at the level of 1 EUR = 30.1260 SKK. Slovakia adopted the Euro currency after the change-over from Slovak Koruna (SKK) in January 2009, when joining the Eurozone
⃰ The last day for payment of dividend for 2016 is May 12, 2022, because this dividend as barred will not be paid from the date of May 13, 2022
Shareholders can enforce the right to dividend payout in one of the following three methods:
(1) Cash – all individuals and legal entities at any VÚB sales point (branch) in Slovak Republic. Individuals shall be obliged to present a valid identity document (identity card or passport). Legal entities shall be obliged to present an extract from the Slovak Companies Register, not older than three months. Foreign legal entities shall be obliged to present an extract from the relevant register confirming the existence of the legal entity and the manner of representing the entity, not older than three months. Written instruments or documents in other than the Slovak or Czech language, shall be presented along with their official translation into the Slovak language. Official translation of the Request For Payout of Dividends on VÚB Shares to Account via Non-Cash Transfer (hereinafter as the “Request”) is not required, if it is submitted in English language based on the form attached hereto. For the dividends exceeding EUR 3,320 only non-cash transfer on account shall apply based on the Request.
(2) Non-cash transfer of funds on account
(i) All - individuals and legal entities based on “Request for Payout of Dividends on VÚB Shares to Account via Non-Cash Transfer”, presented in person at any VÚB sales point (branch) in Slovak Republic. The Request form is attached hereto and it is available on request at all VÚB sales points or on website, reference file “Information for Shareholders” section “About VÚB”. The Shareholder´s signature provided in the Request shall be notarized (certified) (by a notary public or the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages of the Slovak or Czech Republic). Should the Shareholder´s signature be officially legalized outside the territory of the Slovak or Czech Republic, they have to be super-legalized or certified with an “Apostille“ in accordance with the Hague Convention on Legalization of Foreign Public Documents dated October 5, 1961. The VÚB employees can also verify the identity and signatures free of charge, against the presented identity document (identity card, passport). Legal entities shall be obliged to present an extract from the Slovak Companies register, not older than three months. Foreign legal entities shall be obliged to present an extract from the relevant register confirming the existence of the legal entity and the manner of representing the entity, not older than three months. Written instruments or documents in other than the Slovak or Czech language shall be presented along with their official translation into the Slovak language. Official translation of the Request is not required, if it is submitted in English language based on the form attached hereto.
(ii) All individuals and legal entities – based on “Request for Payout of Dividends on VÚB Shares to Account via Non-Cash Transfer” delivered at shareholder’s expense by post to address: VÚB, a.s., Sub-department 6502 – Treasury Back-Office, Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava. The Request form is attached hereto and it is available on request at all VÚB sales points or on website, reference file “Information for Shareholders” section “Forms and contacts”. The Shareholder´s signature provided in the Request shall be notarized (certified) (by a notary public or the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages of the Slovak or Czech Republic). Should the Shareholder´s signature be officially legalized outside the territory of the Slovak or Czech Republic, they have to be super-legalized or certified with an “Apostille“ in accordance with the Hague Convention on Legalization of Foreign Public Documents dated October 5, 1961. Legal entities shall be obliged to present an extract from the Slovak Companies register, not older than three months. Foreign legal entities shall be obliged to present an extract from the relevant register confirming the existence of the legal entity and the manner of representing the entity, not older than three months. Written instruments or documents written in other than the Slovak or Czech language, shall be presented along with their official translation into the Slovak language. Official translation of the Request is not required, if it is submitted in English language based on the form attached hereto.
Pursuant to revision of the Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax as amended and valid as of the date of this letter (hereinafter only as “Act on Income tax”), dividends paid out from VÚB, a.s. profit generated in 2017 is subject to withholding tax in Slovak Republic (hereinafter only as “the withholding tax”).
Pursuant to revision of the Act No. 580/2004 Coll. on Health Insurance VUB is no longer obliged to levy advances for health insurance from dividends, neither are the VUB shareholders required to pay health insurance levies from dividends with effective date January 1, 2016. Therefore, if the dividends are paid out after January 1, 2016 and later on, neither reporting nor levy duty is imposed.
General meetings of VÚB shareholders
VÚB, a.s. Annual General Meeting
The Management Board of the joint stock company Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. registered at Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, Company Reg. No. 31 320 155, entered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section Sa, File No. 341/B (hereinafter “Company”, “VUB”, or “VUB, a.s.”) summoned, in compliance with the provision of Section 184(2) of Act No. 513/1991 Coll. of the Commercial Code as amended (hereinafter “the Commercial Code”) and Article 7, Section 7.1 of the valid Articles of Association of VUB, a.s., the Annual General Meeting (hereinafter „AGM“) which was held in the registered office of VÚB, a.s., Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, on April 19, 2021 at 10 a.m. The decisive day pursuant to Section 156a of the Commercial Code and Section 52(2) of the Act No. 483/2001 Coll. on Banks as amended for exercising the right to attend the AGM and other shareholder’s rights was April 9, 2021.
VUB, a.s. publishes the Conclusions of the Annual General Meeting of VÚB, a.s. held on April 19, 2021:
The squeeze-out right
The Squeeze-out Right
The Management Board of the joint stock company Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. registered at Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, Company Reg. No. 31 320 155, entered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section Sa, File No. 341/B (hereinafter “Company”, “VÚB”, or “VÚB, a.s.”) on behalf of Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International S.A., a joint stock company established and existing under Luxembourg law, with its registered seat at Boulevard du Prince Henri 35, Luxembourg, 1724 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Commercial Register of Luxembourg under number B44318 (hereinafter “ISPHI”) announces that within the exercise of the right of squeeze-out by ISPHI, the Annual General Meeting of the target company VÚB as adopted on April 19, 2021 a decision on the transfer of shares of all remaining shareholders to ISPHI pursuant to Article 118i (6) of Act No. 566/2001 Coll. In Securities and Investment Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts (hereinafter “Securities Act”)
VUB publishes the following information and documents related to the transfer of shares of all remaining shareholders to ISPHI:
Information Notice about the decision of the VÚB Annual General Meeting adopted on April, 19, 2021
Payment of consideration for shares based on the exercise of the right of squeeze out
Notification of the sharehoder´s account number for the payment of consideration – individual
Notification of the sharehoder´s account number for the payment of consideration – legal person
Information pursuant to Article 13 and 14 of the Shareholder Regulation