Information about consumer rights


Consumer means a natural person who, in conclusion and performance of a contract, is acting other than within the scope of his or her business, employment or occupation, unless otherwise stipulated in the relevant legislation or contract, including the relevant Terms and conditions.

Prior to conclusion of the contract you have a right to:

  • choose the product or service which is the most suitable for your needs from the portfolio of products and services offered by the bank,
  • be informed about the nature, conditions, fees and charges and other terms related to the chosen product or service,
  • have the contract proposal submitted in the legible and comprehensible form,
  • not to conclude the contract should the submitted contractual or pricing conditions or Terms and conditions not comfort you for whatever reason,
  • Conclude, change or terminate the contract also by electronic communication or from a distance, under the conditions stipulated by the valid laws and regulations and by the bank.

During the contractual relationship with the bank you, as a consumer, have a right to:

  • a full use of the chosen service or product, as well as to use all the advantages and supplementary services, which the bank provides with such chosen service or product,
  • submit a claim for selected services or products,
  • seek protection of your consumer rights by submitting a claim to an alternative dispute resolution entity or to a court,
  • be protected against unacceptable conditions in consumer contracts under the relevant legislation,
  • be informed about the changes of the contract, pricing or Terms and conditions, in the periods and in a way stipulated in the contract or Terms and conditions or in the applicable laws and regulations,
  • repay the loan in advance in line with the conditions given by the applicable laws, your contract and Terms and conditions of the bank,
  • withdraw from the consumer loan or other product or service distance contract within 14 days from its conclusion or from a day, on which you were delivered the contractual conditions containing all the terms of the distance contract; however, when you exercise your right of withdrawal, mainly in a case of loan distance contract you shall return to the bank any outstanding amounts and applicable interests, and in case of conclusion other product or service distance contract to pay for the product or service actually provided by the bank, without undue delay,
  • Terminate the contract in line with the conditions stipulated in the contract and Terms and conditions or in the applicable laws and regulations.


Further important information

You also have a right to:

  • be informed about which personal data of yours are subject to processing by the bank and you have the right to request a correction or deletion or restriction of processing of your personal data by the bank. You also have a right of portability of your personal data and a right to object to the processing of your personal data by the bank. You can find more information about your rights and their application under with the Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) („GDPR“), in the Notice on Data Protection Processing for the clients of VUB, a.s., their substitutes and contractual partners available on;
  • be provided with the commercial terms of the bank and other with documents which form part of the contract,
  • protection of your deposit by a Fund for Deposits Protection, according to the conditions stipulated in the applicable laws and regulations,
  • object to processing of your personal data for marketing purposes.

The Terms and conditions of the bank, price list and other information about the products or services offered by the bank can be found in each bank´s branch, as well as at

Should you be interested in any of the investment products of the bank, you can find the important information at or you may ask any of our employees in any of our branches.

Since our bank is also an Independent Financial Agent in the insurance and reinsurance sector, in case you are interested, you may direct us with your requests related to the information about the insurance products, which our bank offers to its customers.


You may file your complaints either personally at any of the bank´s branches, in writing by mail to: VÚB, a.s., Odbor Starostlivosť o klientov, Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava 25, by phone on 0850 123 000 (within Slovak Republic) or on +421 2 4855 5970 (from abroad), by e-mail on or by using a contact form available at or by electronic banking services at Internet banking and Mobil banking.

The bank decides on complaints within 30 days of their delivery, unless the complaint relates to payment services. Should the complaint relate to payment services in euro currency or in a currency of state being the Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area within the European Economic Area, the bank shall decide on the eligibility of the complaint without undue delay, however within 15 business days of the receipt of the complaint at the latest, or if the complaint cannot be solved within 15 business days, the bank shall provide the client with an interim answer indicating the reasons for a delay and a deadline within which the client may expect the final answer, such deadline shall not exceed 35 business days of the complaint´s receipt. Should the complaint related to the payment services concern a) other currency than euro or currency, which is not currency of a state being a Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area within the European Economic Area, and b) any currency outside of the European Economic Area, the bank shall decide on the eligibility of the complaint

as indicated in the previous sentence, however the overall solution shall not exceed 35 business days of complaint´s receipt, in complex cases not more than 6 months.

As a consumer and complainant you have also the right to contact the bank with the request for redress if you are not satisfied with the way the complaint was handled or you believe the bank has breached your rights. If the bank has not responded to, or has not replied to your request for redress within the statutory period, you also have the right to file a claim for an alternative dispute resolution, to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity entitled to resolve disputes arising from the agreement on bank services or in the relation thereof, chosen by you. List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities is made available on the web site of Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. One of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity entitled to resolve disputes arising from the agreement on bank services is Inštitút alternatívneho riešenia sporov Slovenskej bankovej asociácie with its seat at BLUMENTAL OFFICE I., Mýtna 48, 811 07 Bratislava – Staré mesto, Slovak Republic. You may find more information at: The details of the proposal for an alternative dispute resolution, its proceeding and other information are set out in Slovak Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes and on amendments to certain laws.

If you, as a consumer, sign a contract with the bank online, you have the possibility of using an alternative dispute resolution system on the online dispute resolution platform (ODR Platform) to resolve any disputes. The ODR Platform, through which you can submit complaints, is available on this electronic link:

You may also file a claim to the regular court of the Slovak Republic.

The supervising authority of the bank is the National Bank of Slovakia, seated at Imricha Karvaša 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

In this document are mentioned some of the basic rights to which you as a consumer are entitled. You may find more of your rights in your contract or in the valid laws and regulations.

This document serves information purposes only.

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