Pension savings


How does the 2nd pension pillar work?

Those who are only part of the 1st pillar pay a Social Security insurance premium of 18% for old-age insurance (part of pension insurance).

In the case of participation in the 2nd pillar, contributions will look as follows:


14,00 %

4,00 %

Social Insurance






  • Savings are the owners' equity of the saver registered in a personal pension account
  • Savings during the savings phase and during the first 7 years of payment of life annuity may be inherited - this option is not in the 1st pillar
  • Pension management companies ensure a return on the money of savers so that the pension is as high as possible
  • Your money is safe The activity of VÚB Generali d.s.s., a.s. is supervised by the National Bank of Slovakia and the Depositary

And why should you choose us?

  • Quality management and administration
    We are increasing our market share.
  • Excellent results of pension funds
  • We manage 4 pension funds
  • The widest advisory network
    Changes can be made at any branch of VÚB Bank and Generali Poisťovňa.
  • Electronic access to your personal pension account
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