Mortgage from VÚB Bank

The way to your own housing.

Why take a mortgage from VÚB?

Fixed interest rates

A wide selection of fixed interest rates


Maturity of up to 30 years

Interest rate

Preferential interest rate

Choose from our mortgages

Mortgage for housing

A mortgage can be used to buy an apartment, house or land, to build or rebuild a house.
  • Mortgage repayment period up to 30 years
  • Funding for up to 90% of the value of the pledged property
  • Advantageous interest rate now from only 3.99% p.a.
Hypotéka na bývanie

Mortgage with benefit for young people

If you are aged up to 35, you can gain a tax bonus up to 400 EUR with the mortgage for young.
  • Advantageous interest rate now from only 4.39% p.a.
  • Mortgage repayment period up to 30 years
  • Possibility to gain a tax bonus
Hypotéka pre mladých

Mortgage for Refinancing

Transfer your existing mortgage to VUB and save on the monthly installments. You can also change the installment period or increase the mortgage. Reduce interes
  • Mortgage increase for additional resources
  • Lower monthly payment
  • Merge multiple loans into one
Hypotéka na refinancovanie

General Mortgage

Take a real estate mortgage loan that does not require demonstrating the purpose of using the money. You can use the money for anything.
  • No documents to prove the purpose of the loan are required
  • Lower interest rates than consumer credit
  • The money can be used for anything
Bezúčelová hypotéka

Worry-free mortgage repayment

Have you encountered an unexpected life situation? We'll help you with your repayments.
  • Has your income decreased? Postpone your payments for later
  • Losing track of your loan repayments? Refinance them
  • Set up loan insurance and handle unexpected situations with ease
  • Need to lower your installment? Extend the repayment period
Worry-free mortgage repayment

Government assistance with housing loans

In light of the increase in interest rates on housing loans, the government has decided to prepare an assistance scheme.
Government assistance with housing loans

Asset accounts

An asset account serves to record the ownership of all the client's registered securities that the bank has accepted on its account.
Ponuka nehnuteľností

Hypotéka bez kompromisov

Bývajte v Slnečniciach alebo Agátoch vďaka hypotéke s úrokom od 2,39 % p. a. pri trojročnej fixácii.
  • Možnosť splácania v nižších mesačných splátkach, čím môžete ušetriť
  • Doprajte si viac vďaka nižšiemu úroku, než pri bežnej hypotéke
  • Garancia nižšieho úroku na prvé tri roky
Hypotéka bez kompromisov

Green Mortgages

Give the green light to buy a property. With Green Mortgages you save money, energy and nature.
Zelené hypotéky
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