You can set up credit insurance very easily and quickly
Depending on the type of loan, we offer the following types of insurance:
Insurance of VÚB loans
Insurance coverage for the repayment of VÚB loans will protect you and your loved ones from the occurrence of unforeseen life situations such as death, loss of employment, inability to work, or permanent disability.
The main advantages of VÚB loan insurance:
- insurance protection throughout the entire duration of the loan
- simple concluding directly on the credit agreement
- low insurance premiums
- the possibility of insuring the loss of employment as well
- in the event of a claim, your obligation to repay the loan to VÚB, or pay monthly installments, will be taken over by the insurance company
How can you insure your loan?
- you choose one of the two sets of insurance directly on the VÚB loan application
- just your signature on the loan agreement is sufficient to conclude the insurance
- The premium is included directly in the monthly installment of the loan
We offer you two sets of insurance in cooperation with BNP Paribas Cardif Poisťovňa, a.s.
- Basic set – risk of death, permanent disability, incapacity to work
- Extended set – risk of death, permanent disability, incapacity to work and job losses
All clients who meet the insurance conditions specified in the loan agreement and in the General Insurance Terms may be eligible for insurance.
Rámcové poistné zmluvy
Poistenie VÚB Hypotéka
Poistenie VÚB Hypotéka
Poistenie schopnosti splácať VÚB Hypotéka ochráni Vás a Vašich blízkych pred vznikom nepredvídaných životných situácií, akými sú smrť, strata zamestnania, pracovná neschopnosť, trvalá invalidita alebo ošetrovania člena rodiny.
Hlavné výhody poistenia VÚB Hypotéka:
- poistná ochrana počas celej doby splatnosti úveru
- jednoduché uzatvorenie priamo na zmluve o úvere
- nízke poistné
- možnosť poistiť aj stratu zamestnania
- v prípade vzniku poistnej udalosti, Váš záväzok splatiť VÚB Hypotéku, resp. platiť mesačné splátky, preberie za Vás poisťovňa
- nové riziko „Ošetrovanie člena rodiny“ (OČR) ako súčasť Komplexného súboru poistenia
Ako si môžete poistiť Vašu Hypotéku?
- priamo na žiadosti VÚB Hypotéka si vyberiete jeden z ôsmych balíkov poistenia
- k uzatvoreniu poistenia stačí len Váš podpis na úverovej zmluve
- poistné je zahrnuté priamo v mesačnej splátke úveru
- pridanie poistenia je umožnené do 3 rokov od 1.čerpania úveru
Ponúkame Vám v spolupráci so spoločnosťou Generali Poisťovňa, a.s., 8 balíkov poistenia:
- Základný balík poistenia (S): Základný balík poistenia S – 100% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70% a pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní
- Rozšírený balík poistenia (T) pre úvery do 75 tis.€: Rozšírený balík poistenia T – 100% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70%, pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní a straty zamestnania s následnou nezamestnanosťou trvajúcou minimálne 30 dní
- Rozšírený balík poistenia (T1) pre úvery od 75 tis. €: Rozšírený balík poistenia T1 – 100% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70%, pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní, straty zamestnania s následnou nezamestnanosťou trvajúcou minimálne 30 dní
- Komplexný balík poistenia (U): Komplexný balík poistenia U – 100% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70%, pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní, straty zamestnania s následnou nezamestnanosťou trvajúcou minimálne 30 dní a ošetrovania člena rodiny v trvaní minimálne 30 dní
- Základný balík poistenia 75% (S75): Základný balík poistenia S75 – 75% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70% a pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní
- Rozšírený balík poistenia 75% (T75): Rozšírený balík poistenia T75 – 75% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70%, pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní a straty zamestnania s následnou nezamestnanosťou trvajúcou minimálne 30 dní
- Základný balík poistenia 50% (S50): Základný balík poistenia S50 – 50% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70% a pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní
- Rozšírený balík poistenia 50% (T50): Rozšírený balík poistenia T50 – 50% krytie úveru pre prípad smrti, invalidity v rozsahu nad 70%, pracovnej neschopnosti trvajúcej minimálne 30 dní a straty zamestnania s následnou nezamestnanosťou trvajúcou minimálne 30 dní
K poisteniu môžu pristúpiť všetci klienti, ktorí spĺňajú podmienky poistenia uvedené v žiadosti o úver, alebo v žiadosti o zmenu zmluvných podmienok a vo všeobecných poistných podmienkach.
Rámcové poistné zmluvy
Mortgage insurance
Are you afraid you could encounter unpredictable life situations and have trouble repaying a flexi-mortgage? In this case, we offer you the insurance of the ability to repay a flexi-mortgage that protects you. In the event of a claim, the insurer pays the unpaid portion of the loan (in the event of a claim, death or invalidity) or will pay the monthly repayments of the loan (in case of incapacity or loss of employment).
We offer you these sets of insurance in cooperation with BNP Paribas Cardif Poisťovňa, a.s.:
- The basic set of insurance covers the risks of death, permanent disability, working incapacity
- The extended set of insurance covers the risk of death, permanent disability, working incapacity, the loss of employment
Packages can be arranged in variants of 100%, 75% or 50% coverage
Why flexi-mortgage insurance is advantageous:
- it protects you and your loved ones from financial difficulties in unexpected life situations
- option to insure the debtor and the co-debtor
- in the event of a claim, your obligation to repay the flexi-mortgage, or pay monthly installments, will be taken over by the insurance company
- you can conclude it quickly and easily directly in the bank, with one signature on the loan agreement
All clients who meet the insurance conditions specified in the loan agreement and the General Insurance Policy and in the General Insurance Terms may be eligible for insurance.
Household insurance
If you are interested in insuring your household, we will be happy to provide the insurance directly in the loan agreement when providing a flexi-mortgage. We will insure your household, which is located on the mortgaged property
Insurance provides insurance protection for your household in case of:
- damage to, or theft of movable property forming household equipment (including money, valuables, electronics, etc.)
- damage or theft of building components,
- damage or theft of movable property located in non-residential premises in the same place of insurance,
- costs related to the claim (removal, substitute accommodation).
In addition, you will also be insured for liability for damage caused by persons living in the insured household, up to € 16,596.96, regardless of the amount of the insured amount.
Why household insurance at VÚB is advantageous:
- you get the insurance exactly according to your requirements - the insured amount is chosen by the clients themselves
- the insurance contract is concluded directly in the loan agreement, simply and quickly
- you get superior insurance protection
Rámcová zmluva
Property insurance
If you do not have your property insured yet, we will be happy to provide it directly in the loan agreement when providing a flexi-mortgage. We will provide you with insurance of the property directly at the branch when signing the contract documents.
Quickly, easily, and conveniently we will insure Your:
- family house, including additional buildings and other buildings.
- apartment, including the co-ownership interest in the common parts of the apartment building.
- an unfinished family house or a family house in total reconstruction, including the building material intended for its construction. After final approval, the insurance automatically turns into house insurance and you do not have to conclude a new insurance policy.
The insurance provides insurance protection for your property in case of natural hazards (fire, lightning strike, explosion, water from pipelines, a windstorm, hail, rock fall, stones, trees and poles falls, also snow, floods and deluges, landslides, earthquakes etc. ), coverage of damage to electric motors, coverage of costs related to an insurance claim (cleaning, demolition, etc.) and, in addition, you will get additional insurance coverage, namely liability for property ownership and theft of building components.
Why is property insurance at VÚB advantageous?
- you get the insurance prepared exactly according to your needs and parameters of the flexi-mortgage
- we will sign the insurance contract with you quickly and easily directly at the branch when signing the contract documents for the flexi-mortgage
- the restriction of disposal rights of the payment of insurance in favor of the bank is part of the insurance contract
- We insure unfinished houses right from the beginning of the construction