Foreign payments

We will be happy to answer your questions.

The benefits of VÚB Bank

  • extensive network of correspondent banks
  • involvement in the SWIFT network
  • distribution routes of your choice - business locations or electronic distribution channels (Internet banking, Mobile banking, Contact)
  • long-term experience of bank employees in the field of foreign payments
  • membership in the international banking group Intesa Sanpaolo
Foreign payments

Foreign payments

Smooth payments from abroad

VÚB bank shall make a payment on the basis of a document received from a foreign bank. In case of sufficient data on the document, the payment processing shall be processed online by clearing on the client's account on the day of the payment, not later than the next working day after receipt of the document.

VÚB Bank credits foreign payments to the client's account at the exchange rate of the day at the time of processing and at the amount stated by the foreign bank. Payments in counter-value in excess of the bank limit (above-limit operation) are processed at an individual rate.

Basic data needed to make a payment from abroad for a client of VÚB Bank via SWIFT:

  • Name of the bank:
    • Všeobecná úverová banka, a. s.
    • Mlynské Nivy 1
    • 829 90 Bratislava
  • Swift address of the bank: SUBASKBX
  • Beneficiary account number, including the bank code 0200
  • Unabridged name and address of the payment recipient
  • Purpose of payment (e.g., invoice No. XXX for goods, gift, etc.)


We would like to inform you that due to changing market conditions and decreasing client demand of credit /debit cheques processing services, we have decided to finish this service as of June 30th, 2024. The last day for purchasing cheques, accepting cheques for collection, or issuing cheques will be Friday, June 28th 2024. As of July 1st, 2024 until December 31st, 2024, VUB, a.s. will only handle the settlement of purchased cheques, cheques for collection, or returned cheques claims.

Moreover, as of July 1st, 2024  VUB Chequebook cheques will be accepted only at VUB branches in Slovakia. The possibility to realize  thouse cheques in abroad will be stopped after June 30th, 2024.

Smooth payments abroad

Smooth payments abroad are performed on the basis of a correctly filled in payment order submitted by clients, which must be based on means of coverage. The client shall submit the payment order:

  • in person (Payment order, Web form - Foreign payments)
    Web form - Foreign payments
  • through electronic distribution channels (Biznis Banking, MultiChannel, Multicash)

VÚB bank shall ensure the processing of the payment order on the day of submission, if the client submits the payment order in electronic form by 3:00 pm and in paper form by 2:00 pm. If the client submits a Payment order after a specified time, the bank shall process the Payment order on the day of receipt, not later than the next business day.

VÚB Bank charges funds to the debit of the client's account online, in accordance with the exchange rate applicable at the time of submission of the Payment order. If a different due date is listed in the payment order than the day on which the Payment order is submitted, the funds will be charged to the account of the ordering party by the first exchange rate applicable on the due date. If funds are credited from the ordering party's account on a day other than the day of submission, the funds are billed at the first valid exchange rate on the current Banking Day. Payments in counter-value in excess of the bank's limit (over-the-limit operations) will be processed at an individual exchange rate.

What is a Non-SEPA transfer?

Non-SEPA transfer means a payment transaction:

  • A transfer in CM within and outside the EU and EEA (excluding transfers within VÚB, a.s.)
  • Transfer performed in EUR outside the EU and EEA
  • Transfers in EUR executed outside VÚB within the EU and EEA that do not meet the SEPA Eurotransfer terms
  • Urgent transfer performed in EUR and CM within and outside the EU and EEA (excluding transfers within VÚB, a.s.)

A non-SEPA transfer is only executed from a current account based on your completed Payment order submitted in a branch on the Payment order form, on forms accepted by us or entered electronically. We do not accept written Payment orders delivered by post unless otherwise agreed with you.

Type of transfer to suit your needs

urgent transfer - transfer executed by SWIFT with the valuta of the current Banking business day on the Maturity date in which the correspondent bank or beneficiary bank has funds for the beneficiary on the processing date

standard transfer - transfer performed by standard SWIFT in which the correspondent bank or beneficiary's bank has funds for the beneficiary with the due date + 2 Bank business days from the date of receipt and processing of the Payment order, no later than 5 Bank business days from the date of receipt and processing of the payment order (D+4).

We carry out the transfer

by swift - platby zasielané prostredníctvom systému SWIFT od spoločnosti S.W.I.F.T. – The Society for Worldwire Interbank Financial Telecommunication, ktorý umožňuje komunikáciu medzi finančnými inštitúciami v tuzemsku a v zahraničí.


Fee instruction options

When making a payment abroad, or domestically, the client shall determine on the payment order the method of settlement of VÚB a.s. fees and a foreign or domestic bank by choosing from three options:

  • SHA - VÚB Bank fees are paid by the ordering party while the correspondent bank's fees and the fees of the recipient's bank are borne by the beneficiary. A transfer with the SHA fee instruction entered may be reduced by the fees of the correspondent banks and beneficiary bank.
  • OUR - VÚB Bank fees, fees of the correspondent banks and the beneficiary bank are paid by the ordering party. A transfer with the specified OUR fee instruction will be credited in full. Transfers with OUR instructions are performed as follows:
    • we change standard transfers in EUR to EU and EEA countries with OUR fee instructions without conversion to the ordering party's account when processing fee instructions from OUR to SHA,
    • in EU and EEA currencies (with the exception of EUR with the conditions specified in the previous paragraph) with OUR fee instructions to EU and EEA countries (including the Slovak Republic) and to Switzerland we charge, along with the transfer, the guaranteed OUR fee without the additional charging of fees to other banks to your account,
    • in other currencies outside the EU and EEA countries, and in the currencies of EU and EEA countries sent outside the EU and EEA countries and Switzerland, fees of other banks under the OUR instruction may be charged even afterwards,
  • BEN - VÚB Bank fees, fees of the correspondent banks and the beneficiary bank are borne by the beneficiary of the transfer. A transfer with the BEN fee instruction entered may be reduced by the fees of VÚB Bank, the correspondent banks and the bank of the beneficiary. Transfers with BEN instructions are performed as follows:
    • in the case of transfers sent to EU and EEA countries (including the Slovak Republic) sent in the currencies EUR, CZK, DKK, GBP, HUF, CHF, NOK, PLN, RON and SEK (hereinafter referred to as EU and EEA currencies) with BEN instructions on fees without conversion on the ordering party's account, we change the processing instructions for fees from BEN to SHA,
    • transfers sent in the currencies of the countries of the EU and EEA to the EU and EEA countries (including the Slovak Republic) with BEN fee instructions with conversion to the payer's account will be executed with BEN instructions,
    • transfers in AUD, CAD, JPY, RUB, TRY and USD (hereinafter only other currencies outside EU and EEA countries) into and out of the EU and EEA and in the currency CHF outside the EU and EEA countries without any change to the fee instructions. If no fee instruction is specified in the Payment order, we will issue the Payment order with a SHA fee instruction.

Cut-off times for submitting a Payme

  • until 3:00 pm to make a standard transfer on the date of submission of the Payment Order submitted electronically;
  • until 2:00 pm to make a standard transfer on the date of submission of the Payment Order submitted at a branch;
  • until 3:00 pm to execute a Payment order in the form of an urgent transfer in EUR within the EU and EEA countries to the banks involved in Target2 on the date of submission of the Payment order submitted electronically;
  • until 2:00 pm to execute a Payment order in the form of an urgent transfer in EUR within the EU and EEA countries to the banks involved in Target2 on the date of submission of the Payment order submitted at the branch;
  • until 11:00 am to make an urgent transfer in EUR to banks not involved in Target2 or outside the EU and EEA, and CM on the day of submission of the Payment Order.


In the field of Foreign payments, VÚB BANK allows - besides payments in EUR and basic foreign currencies - to execute payments in more than 100 selected foreign currencies where the client can pay various payments for goods, services, wages, contributions or gifts almost all over the world.

Benefits for the client

  • expansion of payment options in the area of Foreign Payments
  • standard completion of a Foreign Payment Order
  • realization at the beneficiary's bank with the valuta of the next business day
  • zero increase in transaction-related fees, foreign payment fees in accordance with the valid VÚB Bank price list
  • information about the foreign currency / EUR fixed exchange rate valid on the current business day - available at VÚB Bank branches

Submission of a Payment order
at a branch:

  • Foreign payment order (Non-SEPA transfer)
  • ZPP Web form (Non SEPA Transfer)


  • through Multichannel (Internet banking, Mobile banking, Call center)

The processing of a payment order

  • VÚB bank shall ensure the processing of a Payment order on the day of submission if the client submits the payment order in paper form by 2:00 pm and in electronic form by 3:00 pm.
  • If a client submits a Payment order after the set time, it will be processed by the bank on the next business day with the foreign currency / EUR exchange rate of the day.
  • Payments are charged in the sense of the VÚB Bank price list as a Foreign Payment order submitted at a branch or electronically. The client's account to which the payment will be charged must be in EUR.

Special requirements before making a payment
Payments in selected foreign currencies must be sent in accordance with the foreign exchange regulations (regulations) of the country concerned. If this does not happen, the foreign bank has the right not to make a payment and return it to the sender's account. In accordance with the foreign exchange or banking regulations of each country, the beneficiary of the payment is obliged to provide the documents - if required by the correspondent bank or beneficiary bank



IBAN - The International Bank Account Number is an internationally standardized form of account number created in co-operation with the European Banking Standards Committee, which enables clear identification of the beneficiary's account, country and bank institution.

IBAN Structure:
IBAN is a combination of capital letters and numbers in the following structure:

  • 2 capital letters - country code (e.g. IT - Italy, SK - Slovakia, AT - Austria ...)
  • 2 characters - controlling digits enabling the program control of the account number
  • max. 30 characters - bank code, account number - account prefix and base account number

The IBAN can be made up of a max. of 34-character combination of the code of letters and numbers. In written form, IBAN spaces are divided into groups of 4 characters, in electronic form the spaces between the character groups are deleted.

Written form: SK33 0200 0000 0000 0001 2351 
Electronic form: SK3302000000000000012351

IBAN for the SR, it always has 24 characters,
for example:

Country code Controlling digits Account number
SK 33 0200 0000 0000 0001 2351
two-digit country code two-digit code bank code, account prefix, base account number

BIC - Bank Identifier Code = Bank Swift Code

BIC Structure:
BIC consists of a combination of 8 or 11 characters - capital letters or digits and is stated without any spaces

  • VÚB bank has the swift code SUBASKBX
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