Interest rates for Profi Loans

Interest rates for Profi Loans

Interest rates for Profi Loans

Interest rates valid from 4 January 2016

Loan type

Base interest rate for business loans (% p.a.)

Final rate (% p.a.)

Profi Overdraft Loan


od 7,80

Unauthorized debit for Current Accounts


18,00 EUR

Profi Installment Loan



from 6.50 upwards

Default interest

 (beyond the scope of the standard interest rate)


Interest rates valid from 4 January 2016

Profihypo Loan

Base rate for Profihypo Loan (% p.a.)

Final rate (% p.a.)

Fixed rate period of 1 year


from 3.80 upwards

Fixed rate period of 3 years


from 3.30 upwards

Fixed rate period of 5 years


from 3.60 upwards

Fixed rate period of 10 years


from 4.30 upwards

Default interest

(beyond the scope of the standard interest rate



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