Financial intermediation

Filing complaints concerning

Filing complaints concerning

Filing complaints concerning financial intermediation

... about the procedure of a tied or subordinate financial agent

  • orally or in writing at a VÚB point of sale
  • in writing to the address
    VÚB, a.s.
    Department of Client Complaints Handling
    Mlynské Nivy 1
    829 90 Bratislava 25
  • by phone via the Contact service
    in the Slovak Republic: 0850 123 000
    from abroad : +421 248 555 970
  • via on-line form

VÚB will provide the client with its response to the filed complaint within 30 days from the date of its receipt. In justified cases, VÚB may extend the time limit to respond to a complaint to 60 days, in which case it shall notify the client in writing of the reasons for extending the time limit for handling his/her complaint.

...about the procedure of a financial agent

It is possible to file a written complaint with VÚB about a financial intermediary’s procedure in performing financial intermediation activities, which is inconsistent with the applicable legal regulations. A written complaint can also be sent to the relevant supervisory authority overseeing the performance of financial intermediation in accordance with Act No. 186/2009 Coll. on Financial Intermediation and Financial Counselling, as amended. Any disputes arising from financial intermediation can be resolved through court or out-of-court settlement under Act No. 420/2004 Coll. on Mediation and on Amendments to Certain Acts.

Information pursuant to Act No. 186/2009 Coll. on Financial Intermediation and Financial Counselling, as amended.:

VÚB is authorised by the National Bank of Slovakia to operate as a financial intermediary in the sector of insurance or reinsurance.

VÚB is registered in the Register of Financial Agents, Financial Advisers, Financial Intermediaries from Another Member State in the Sector of Insurance or Reinsurance and Tied Investment Agents of the National Bank of Slovakia (hereinafter the “Register”), in the Insurance or Reinsurance Sub-register, in the List of Independent Financial Agents under number 26796.

VÚB, as an independent financial agent, performs financial intermediation activities through:

  • subordinate financial agents,
  • financial institutions in the sector of insurance or reinsurance (companies).

A financial intermediary does not have a qualifying holding in the registered capital of the financial institution for which it performs financial intermediation activities, and vice versa. Under a contractual relationship, a financial intermediary may receive a fee/commission for mediating a financial service from the relevant financial institution, but it must act in the client’s interest according to the principles of fair trading and observe professional care. Upon request, the client can be informed about the amount of the financial intermediary’s fee.

Information on VÚB acting as a financial intermediary can be verified in the Register on the NBS’s website in the Financial Market Supervision section.

Information on mediated products

Information on mediated products

A list of products mediated by VÚB

  • Life insurance
  • Home (Homeowner’s) insurance
  • Real estate insurance
  • Payment protection insurance
  • Payment insurance
  • Insurance assistance services
  • Work incapacity insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Payment card misuse insurance
  • Travel insurance
  • Compulsory third-party liability insurance

(The products are described in detail on the relevant insurance page.)

A list of products mediated by EOP

  • Flexi-mortgage
  • Flexi-loan
  • Loan insurance for Flexi-loan
  • Loan insurance for Flexi-mortgage
  • Real estate insurance for Flexi-mortgage
  • Home (Homeowner’s) insurance for Flexi-mortgage


Information pursuant to Act No. 186/2009 Coll. on Financial Intermediation and Financial Counselling, as amended:

VÚB is authorised by the National Bank of Slovakia to operate as a financial intermediary in the sector of insurance or reinsurance.

VÚB is registered in the Register of Financial Agents, Financial Advisers, Financial Intermediaries from Another Member State in the Sector of Insurance or Reinsurance and Tied Investment Agents of the National Bank of Slovakia (hereinafter the “Register”), in the Sub-register of Insurance or Reinsurance, in the List of Independent Financial Agents under number 26796.

VÚB, as an independent financial agent, performs financial intermediation activities through:

  • subordinate financial agents;
  • financial institutions in the sector of insurance or reinsurance (companies).

A financial intermediary does not have a qualifying holding in the registered capital of the financial institution for which it performs financial intermediation activities, and vice versa. Under a contractual relationship, a financial intermediary may receive a fee/commission for mediating a financial service from the relevant financial institution, but it must act in the client’s interest according to the principles of fair trading and observe professional care. Upon request, the client can be informed about the amount of the financial intermediary’s fee.

Information on VÚB acting as a financial intermediary can be verified in the Register on the NBS’s website in the Financial Market Supervision section.

List of financial institutions

List of financial institutions

List of financial institutions

Generali Slovensko poisťovňa, a.s.

Plynárenská 7/C
824 79 Bratislava
Company Reg. No.: 35709332
incorporated in the Commercial Register maintained by the District Court of Bratislava I, Section: Sa, File no.: 1325/B

Poisťovňa Cardif Slovakia, a.s.

Plynárenská 7/C
Company Reg. No.: 36534978
IČO: 36534978
incorporated in the Commercial Register maintained by the District Court of Bratislava I, Section: Sa, File no.: 2547/B

Information pursuant to Act No. 186/2009 Coll. on Financial Intermediation and Financial Counselling, as amended.:

VÚB is authorised by the National Bank of Slovakia to operate as a financial intermediary in the sector of insurance or reinsurance.

VÚB is registered in the Register of Financial Agents, Financial Advisers, Financial Intermediaries from Another Member State in the Sector of Insurance or Reinsurance and Tied Investment Agents of the National Bank of Slovakia (hereinafter the “Register”), in the Sub-register of Insurance or Reinsurance, in the List of Independent Financial Agents under number 26796.

VÚB, as an independent financial agent, performs financial intermediation activities through:

  • subordinate financial agents;
  • financial institutions in the sector of insurance or reinsurance (companies).

A financial intermediary does not have a qualifying holding in the registered capital of the financial institution for which it performs financial intermediation activities, and vice versa. Under a contractual relationship, a financial intermediary may receive a fee/commission for mediating a financial service from the relevant financial institution, but it must act in the client’s interest according to the principles of fair trading and observe professional care. Upon request, the client can be informed about the amount of the financial intermediary’s fee.

Information on VÚB acting as a financial intermediary can be verified in the Register on the NBS’s website in the Financial Market Supervision section.

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