Who we are

About VUB Bank

About VUB Bank

VÚB is the second largest bank in Slovakia with a license to provide a full range of banking services to the population, corporate and institutional clients. The focus of the offer is mortgage and consumer loans, deposit and payment products and services, installment sales, consulting, corporate banking and financing of foreign trade activities, consumer financing, leasing or factoring.

Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, it offers services in the field of investments (Eurizon AM Slovakia) and pension savings (VÚB Generali). The bank is also an intermediary for a wide range of insurance products.

It provides its services through a wide network of business locations, which includes 114 retail branches and 30 corporate branches designed to serve small and medium-sized businesses and one corporate branch in Prague.



Jozef Kausich

VUB CEO and Chairman of the Board

Jozef Kausich has been the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of VUB Banka since March 1, 2023.

Previously, he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Banka Intesa Sanpaolo for five years. Before moving to Slovenia, he was a member of the Board of Directors and Senior Director of Corporate Banking at VUB Banka for 12 years. In addition, he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the subsidiaries of VUB Banka, VUB Leasing and VUB Factoring.

Jozef Kausich graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava and gradually worked in several financial institutions. At Bank Austria – Creditanstalt Slovakia a.s., he began to focus on corporate banking as Deputy Head of the Large Clients Department and subsequently became Director of the Corporate Clients Department at HVB Bank Slovakia a.s.

Gabriele Pace

Deputy CEO of VUB and member of the Board of Directors

Gabriele Pace became a member of the Board of Directors and also Deputy CEO of VUB Bank on June 1, 2023. In his position, he is primarily responsible for the bank's control and support departments. He has been working at VUB Bank since the beginning of 2023, and has previously held the position of Advisor to the Management Board. Before coming to Slovakia, he led ISP International Value Services in Croatia, which is an innovative and international IT service provider for the digital transformation of banking. Previously, he worked as Deputy CEO at Banca Intesa Beograd in Serbia. Since 2004, he has worked at Privredna banka Zagreb in Croatia, where he was a member of the bank's Board of Directors. He has been working at the Intesa Sanpaolo banking group since 1987, where he started as an IT analyst in New York.

Andrej Viceník

Chief Director of Corporate Banking and Member of the Board

Andrej Viceník has been working at VUB since 2006. Until 2010, he held the position of Director of Corporate Clients and until November 2017, he managed the Small and Medium Enterprises Department.

Since December 2017, he has been a member of the Board of Directors and Chief Director of Corporate Banking and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VUB Leasing, a. s. He previously held management positions at Česká poisťovna, Zurich poisťovna, and HVB Bank Slovakia. He graduated from the Faculty of Business Management at the University of Economics in Bratislava, and also expanded his education by completing an executive MBA at Webster University.

Peter Magala

Chief Director of Operations and IT and Member of the Board

In October 2024, he took over the Operations and IT Department as Chief Director, having previously managed the Risk Management Department.

After graduating from the Faculty of National Economy of the University of Economics in Bratislava, he began building his career at Deloitte & Touche in Bratislava, where he worked as a senior auditor in the field of International Accounting Standards and statutory audits, due diligence projects and other specific projects focused mainly on banking clients.

Peter Magala gained further banking experience as a relationship manager at the financial institution Citibank in Bratislava, where he worked from 2002 to 2004. His key clients were from the consumer finance and insurance sectors. From 2004, he continued his banking career at Tatrabanka / Raiffeisen International, mainly in the segment of international IT projects in Maribor (Slovenia) as a senior business analyst responsible for the accounting area.

In 2006, Peter Magala started working for VUB. First as Head of Corporate Credit Control in the Internal Audit Department and since 2007 as Director of the Internal Control and Internal Audit Department of the bank responsible for internal audit of the entire VUB Group.

Peter Magala has an internationally recognized qualification in risk management – ​​Financial Risk Manager (FRM), and is a member of the Association of Certified Public Accountants (FCCA).

Martin Techman

Chief Executive Officer of the Retail Banking Division and Member of the Board of Directors

Martin Techman became a member of the Board of Directors of VUB Bank and Chief Executive Officer of the Retail Banking Division on March 1, 2015. He joined VUB from Česká sporiteľňa, where he worked as Director of the Distribution Network.

Martin Techman is responsible for managing the branch network and client relations, for banking products for individuals and small businesses, for payment cards, and also for the area of ​​private banking.

He has been involved in the financial services and banking sector since 1994. He started at Multiservis, which was later acquired by GE Capital. There he held several key positions such as consumer finance manager, head of product development, head of third-party products and mortgage sales manager. From 2004 to 2005, he was the director of product development and management at VUB Bank, where he was responsible for managing retail products, the network of mortgage centers and external sales. From 2005, he worked at Česká sporiteľňa as the director of business development and from 2011 he managed the branch network in the Czech Republic.

Martin Techman received an MBA from Nottingham Trent University in the field of management studies and "Senior Executive" management.

Darina Kmeťová

Head of Finance, Planning and Controlling and Member of the Board of Directors

Darina Kmeťová became a member of the Board of Directors of VUB Bank and Senior Director of Finance, Planning and Controlling on April 7, 2022.

Darina Kmeťová joined VUB Bank in October 2019 as Director of Planning and Controlling. Previously, she worked as a finance and controlling leader in various sectors (automotive industry, media, marketing and banking) of foreign companies. She has many years of experience in senior financial positions, in controlling and also in management positions with international coverage. She graduated in Taxation and Tax Consulting from the University of Economics in Bratislava.

Branislav Kováčik

Chief Risk Management Officer and Member of the Board

Branislav Kováčik became a member of the Board of Directors of VUB Bank and Chief Risk Manager on November 22, 2024.

Branislav Kováčik headed the subsidiary VUB Leasing for over 8 years, which was gradually integrated into the bank's structures. Later, in 2021, he moved to IVS (International Value Services) within the banking group.

He has many years of valuable experience in the financial environment, banking and leasing. He studied at the University of Economics in Bratislava.

Supervisory Board

Memebers of the VÚB Supervisory Board

  • Ignacio Jaquotot – predseda - Chairman
  • Elena Kohútiková – podpredsedníčka - Chairwoman
  • Luca Leoncini Bartoli
  • Marco Fabris
  • Christian Schaack
  • Draginja Duric
  • Peter Gutten - employee representative
  • Dana Kondrótová - employee representative
  • Andrea Fumačová - employee representative

Bank in numbers

Bank in numbers

1,2 mil.




19,3 %












VÚB banka, Marec 2023  
Dlhodobé vklady A2
Krátkodobé vklady P-1
  negatívny výhľad


Bank logo

Bank logo

Logo VÚB banky vychádza z prvkov použitých v logu materskej spoločnosti Intesa Sanpaolo. Zjednocujúcim motívom všetkých dcérskych spoločností je oranžový štvorec s tromi oblúkmi predstavujúcimi symbol rímskeho akvaduktu.

Akvadukt je stavba, ktorá prináša ľuďom vodu, technický pokrok, život a prosperitu; no symbolizuje aj spojenie medzi ľuďmi a kultúrami. Akvadukt v logu v prenesenom význame predstavuje väzbu v skupine Intesa Sanpaolo, zodpovednosť za rozvoj spoločnosti a budovanie vzťahov medzi jednotlivými bankami v skupine.

Názov „VÚB BANKA“ je písaný písmom Trajan pomenovaným podľa rímskych znakov na Trajánovom stĺpe stojacom na Rímskom fóre. Tmavozelená farba v logu vyjadruje pocit dôvernosti a bezpečia.

Štyri základné farby:

  • oranžová: farba rámu; predstavuje slnko, energiu
  • žltá: farba horizontálnej línie; predstavuje zem, piesok a prácu
  • modrá: farba prvého oblúka; odtiene modrej predstavujú vzduch, vodu, more
  • zelená: farba loga a druhého oblúka; odtiene zelenej predstavujú rastliny, rast a prírodu
Mission and values

Mission and values


We want to be the best bank in Slovakia in customer satisfaction and continue to be excellent in achieving profitability and operational efficiency.


Knowing the values of our activities and services that we bring to society based on its needs, trust and respect towards all our clients, employees and shareholders, we strive to create a sense of belonging among our employees and the community, compete with the fair play sense and promote sustainable growth and results.


Our role is to provide high quality banking and financial services to our clients and to continually improve in all areas of our activity.




We want to offer products and services that are simple and people understand them. We can adapt and respond flexibly.


Our goal is to solve specific problems of people, we try to find relevant solutions. For the innovations we bring, we are looking for added value for our clients.


We think of the needs of both clients and employees and we want to build long-term relationships with them. We are not people who have become bankers but bankers who have remained people.


We believe that everything goes better with a smile and therefore we try to ensure that our clients have a reason to smile at every visit to VÚB Bank.



We act fairly

We pursue our goals honestly, fairly and responsibly, fully respecting the rules and professional ethics as well as the spirit of the signed treaties.

We improve quality

We aim for continuous improvement, precision, readiness to challenge, and promote creativity in innovation. At the same time, we acknowledge and reward merit.

We act transparently

We commit ourselves that our activities, advertising, and contracts will be based on transparency so that all parties concerned can make independent and sound decisions.

We respect differences

We are going to connect big operations with deep local roots and to be a bank with broad vision without losing sight of individuals.

We support equality

We undertake to exclude any discrimination from our actions and to respect differences based on gender, age, ethnicity, belief, political opinion, trade union membership, sexual orientation, language skills or disability.

We listen carefully

In our work we govern the value of each individual. We use attentive listening and dialogue as the main tools for constantly improving our relationship with all parties concerned.

We act responsibly

We are striving for the best and most efficient use of resources, avoiding overproduction of waste and flamboyance, and prioritizing choices that take into account sustainable development.



Combating money laundering and terrorist financing are particularly important especially because of the threat they pose to the whole society.

In order to prevent this negative phenomenon, we have created strict internal rules. Our rules are based on Slovak legislation and EU legislation, the FATF international recommendations, the recommendations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Wolfsberg Principles.

Fundamental measures and actions aimed at preventing and detecting money laundering and terrorist financing are enshrined in the VÚB AML Guidelines.

More information can be found on the Combating money laundering and terrorism page.



In this section you can find information on the provision of investment services by VÚB. In accordance with Section 73p para. 6 of Act no. 566/2001 Coll. on Securities and Investment Services and on Amendments to Certain Laws as amended, the Bank, which, when providing investment services to clients, executes client instructions, is required to prepare and publish annually for each type of financial instruments a summary of the information from the five top performance points in terms of volumes of year-on-year trading where client orders were executed in the previous year, as well as data on the quality of the executed instructions. You can find the mentioned information in the document titled “Five Top Performance Points”

More information can be found on the Investor protection page.



We know that your privacy is important to you, and we also respect and protect it.

With your personal data and data which are subject to bank secrecy, we therefore handle with utmost care in accordance with the law and your knowledge.

At this point, in accordance with Art. 13 and 14 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the EU 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the “GDPR”), we provide information on the processing of your personal data.

More information can be found on the Personal data protection page.

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