Who is the Green Profiloan for?
- For entrepreneurs and sole traders who need to react quickly to market opportunities.
- For business entities looking for efficient financing of their sustainable development.
- For clients and non-clients of VÚB bank who meet the bank’s requirements for obtaining the loan.
What can you use the Green Profiloan for?
Financing “Green” buildings
purchase of a low-carbon building, renovation or modernisation of a building or construction of a low-carbon property
Renewable sources of energy
biomass, solar energy, small hydroelectric power plants, photovoltaics, geothermal energy
Energy savings
insulation of buildings, boiler room replacement
Waste separation and recycling
plastics, secondary raw materials, construction waste, sludge, contaminated soil, industrial waste
Wastewater treatment
investments aimed at reducing soil and water contamination (soil remediation)
Reducing waste
investments aimed at reducing waste
Conservation of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity
investments aimed at conservation of biodiversity, including the protection of the coastal, marine and aquatic environment
Further information about the Green Profi Loan
Loan amount
- The minimum loan amount is EUR 3 000, and the maximum loan amount is EUR 300 000.
Use of the loan
- The loan can be drawn down within three months of signing the contract – as a lump sum or in several instalments.
- It’s also possible to refund invoices that have already been paid, issued 12 months prior to the submission of the loan application.
- The funds of the Green Profiloan must be used for business purposes in the Slovak Republic.
Terms and conditions for granting a loan
- a legal or natural person entrepreneur
- existing client – minimum one year of entrepreneurship (one full accounting period)
- new client – minimum two years of entrepreneurship (two full accounting periods)
- meets the requirements for granting the loan for entrepreneurs set by the bank
- only for investments in the territory of the Slovak Republic
Loan security
- guarantee document
Paperwork required to evaluate the application:
- loan application
- tax return and financial statements for the last completed accounting period and, if applicable, at the end of the completed quarter/half-year of the current accounting period
- documents proving the right to conduct business
- documents proving the environmental purpose of the requested loan
Documents required for the proof of purpose following the loan approval:
- documents proving the mounting/installation of the product or technology; Energy certificate* for the property in the case of financing “Green buildings”
* Energy certificate for the property – when the purpose of the loan is “purchase or construction of real estate”, we require a Class A Energy Certificate; for other loan purposes related to the renovation of real estate, the Energy Certificate class shall be determined individually according to the specific purpose.