InBiz is a corporate e-banking that enables your company to manage funds, regardless you are in the office or on the road. InBiz provides a single platform for payments and collections, account information, information about credit cards and loans. InBiz allows access to your accounts, your accounts subsidiaries or authorized third-party accounts with approving payments quickly and easily also via the Mobile version.
If you would like more information call 0850 111 717 (price of a local call) or +421 2 48 555 973 (from abroad), fill out the contact form or visit any of our branch offices VUB.
Do you want to try the InBiz service
You can see how InBiz and its selected functionalities work in a simplified demo version, before you order your InBiz product.
Payments and direct debits
SEPA credit transfer
SEPA credit transfer is divided into 2 subproducts:
- SEPA credit transfer - possible to create from current accounts and term deposit accounts without any restrictions
- SEPA salary payment - possible to create only from current accounts and only via import of non-editable flow
Non SEPA credit transfer
Non SEPA prevod je prevod v mene inej ako EURO alebo prevod v mene EURO do krajín mimo SEPA priestoru. Non SEPA prevod je možný vykonať z bežných, ako aj termínovaných účtov s obmedzením.
Standing order
The product Standing order provides a possibility to:
- Display active standing orders, update or revoke active standing orders
- Enter new standing order, based on which SEPA credit transfer is executed according to its selected frequency
- View history of standing orders
Automatic transfer
The product Automatic transfer provides a possibility to:
- Display active automatic transfers, update or revoke active automatic transfers
- Enter new automatic transfer, based on which the SEPA credit transfer inside the VUB bank is executed according to its selected frequency
- View history of automatic transfers
SEPA direct debit
SDD creditor consists of the following products:
- SDD creditor - creation, authorization and sending of SEPA direct debit transactions
- SDD debtor - management of account protection and SDD authorizations
Account information
Current accounts
Contain account statements, transaction history and real-time balance
Term deposits
Contain overview of term deposit accounts, statements and transaction history
Payment cards
Card report
Products enables the user to:
- Search for all credit and debit payment cards owned by companies, the user is profiled to
- Display details of searched credit and debit payment cards
- Search for booked transactions on credit and debit payment cards
- Search for authorized transactions on credit and debit payment cards
- Search and display details of PDF statements related to credit cards
Card management
Product allows the user to:
- Search for all credit and debit payment cards owned by companies, the user is profiled to
- Display details of searched credit and debit payment cards
- Request a new card issuance
- Request card reissue
- Request permanent block of a payment card
- Request change of limit on a payment card
- Repay an installment on a credit card
- Setup notifications on a debit card
Loan statements
This service enables the user to:
- Search for loan statements to loan accounts, to which the user is granted an access within InBiz for the period of 13 months to the history
- Display details of loan statements together with a list of transactions
Loan report
This service provides the user with information about approved financing limit for a given product as well as about disbursed amounts of individual financing limits with validity as of previous banking day
Tools and administration
- Upload files
- Download files
- Booked files
- Import counterpartiesv
- Export counterparties
- Counterparties archive
- FileGate
- My profile
- Company profile
- User management*
- Portal product management*
- Change PIN
- Authorization rules
- Account nickname*
- Company nickname*
- Disconnecting account from InBiz*
- Block the access to InBiz*
*Settings are available only for user with role administrator or configurator
Other functionalities
Exchange rate
- Summary of Exchange rate
- Notification setup
Reporting and documentation
- Documents
- Cash pooling
Other informations and monitoring
- Waiting transactions
- Rejected transactions
- Advices
- Warnings about operation
- Warnings about application
- History of sent messages
InBiz Mobile
InBiz Mobile is a modern tool for you and your employees available to users with OTP token, which allows to use any smartphone or tablet to manage company funds and accounts.
InBiz Mobile:
- Allows quick and easy authorization and sending of files with payments
- Checking state of transactions and state of account from your mobile device
Authentication and authorization
InBiz service supports authentication and authorization for the following types of security tools:
- OTP token for generating one-time password (OTP)
- USB key for electronic signature
If you want to be using an electronic signature, the bank signs BancaIdentity contract with you.
Digital certificates for electronic signature are issued by the international certification authority Intesa Sanpaolo CA.
Information on cross-border transfer of personal data
Cross-border transfers are expected during the time the service is provided. Especially for member states within the EU countries (Italy, Croatia, Slovenia and Czech Republic) and other countries under conditions set out in the law about personal data protection. The list of persons who may be provided with information about you for the purpose of continuous improvement of our services is available here.
Information about use of cookies
According to the valid InBiz Terms & Conditions of VÚB, a.s. clients and users of the InBiz service agree on use of cookies at web pages of the InBiz services for the reasons of statistical data and security purposesof the Bank. The list of used cookies you can find here.
InBiz Service Activation
You can ask for the InBiz service at any of VUB Bank branches or through your relationship manager.
The activation is a two-step process. In the first step after your initial interest in the service it is necessary to fill out the InBiz request forms. In the second step, based on these forms, you will receive the agreement documentation and security devices for logging in to InBiz.
The InBiz request forms, which are necessary to be filled out in the first step of the process are:
- AUTHORIZATIONS TO THE INBIZ SERVICE, on which you can specify the services of InBiz which you wish to use, define the list of accounts managed through InBiz and set the authorization rules for access to these accounts.
- LIST OF THE INBIZ SERVICE USERS, on which you can specify the users of InBiz, their roles, signature group and the type of the security device to be used for the login to InBiz and authorization of operations.
- REQUEST FOR SETUP OF AUTHORIZATION TO THE INBIZ SERVICE – USER, on which you can provide basic information on each user and specify the range of the User’s rights (authorization to access the specific services of InBiz). For each requested user a separate form must be filled.
The filled out InBiz request forms are needed to be handed over at a VUB Bank branch or through your relationship manager.
Based on the InBiz request forms signed by you, VUB Bank will prepare the contractual documentation and activate InBiz based on your requested specifications. Subsequently you will be contacted by a VUB Bank representative, who will set up the date and means for:
- signing of the prepared agreement documentation,
- handover of the security credentials for the Access to InBiz by users,
- assistance with the setup of a digital certificate (if requested to be used by your users),
- answering of possible questions.
After receiving your security credentials you will be able to log in to InBiz, to change your PIN to the security device (for security reasons) and to fully utilize all possibilities of the InBiz service.
If you wish to try InBiz first and to see all of its functionalities you may try our DEMO version.
Video tutorials
Videonávody slúžia na bližší popis, prípadne vysvetlenie funkčností a nastavení služby InBiz, ako aj na poskytnutie základných informácií o tejto službe. Videá pozostávajú z nahratého postupu základných úkonov v službe InBiz spolu so zvukovým vysvetlením.
K dispozícii sú nasledovné videonávody:
Základné informácie o službe InBiz
Aké sú InBiz role používateľov a čo je to spoludisponovanie?
Ako sa prihlásiť s OTC tokenom?
Ako autorizovať a odoslať SEPA prevod?
Ako nájsť základné informácie o bežnom účte?
Ako vytvoriť SEPA prevod?
Ako importovať SEPA platby?